Like the world needs another one

Welcome to a new blog!

It's been some time coming, but it's finally time for me stop just reading other people's blogs but to get off my backside and create something instead. Why now?

Well, after five years in the world of the working, Esther and I are taking a break from the Rat Race and off on a jaunt around world. Not excessive, but a good trip of eight months. Now you'd think the last thing people would want to read about while sat in their offices and homes is the exploits of people who've made it out, but I lost count of the number of people asking "Are you going to keep a blog?"

Maybe they were just being polite. Maybe they were just asking because they'd assume that a techie like me must be keeping a blog, and it'll remain forever unread. Whatever the reason, it inspired me to spend a good 30 minutes setting it up rather than sorting out all the Things That Need Doing before we head off.

So, if you fancy finding out where we've got to, bookmark, subscribe, scribble on a post-it or do whatever it is you do to remember where to go and we'll do our best to update this on a regular basis.



Anonymous said…
Cool, keep the posts coming!
Anonymous said…
Yet again it's waaaaay too late to be up watching world cup highlights (could be worse, it could be Trisha repeats) but the blog was mentioned over a crappy BLT sandwich at lunch and it popped into my head again just now to take a first look. I'll be keeping a jealous eye on your progress...oh, and Holland get Portugal in the 2nd round...ouch!
Anonymous said…
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